
implacable camaraderie, réchuaffé benison

Firstly, check out what else I've been working on the last couple weeks. I just got the tree "finished" yesterday, but there are still a lot more elements to add. I'm hoping to have it done in the next week or two. This painting is going to be one of at least five (fingers crossed) pieces for my featured spot at the Hive in December. I haven't quite gotten my rhythm back yet, but hopefully I'll hit my stride soon. By the way "rhythm" might be the craziest spelling of a word ever, I actually googled it to make sure my spellcheck wasn't lying to me. And on that note: have some words ...

"not placable" ? really dictionary? thats the best you've got?

or "respect knuckles" for the cool kids

a very classy way to say leftovers

and the superfluous splatter monster.
Okay, off to real work now.

1 comment:

Shelleyhennigg said...

Great reading thhis